Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Effortless Presence


The Door Remains Open

Effortless and Nonjudgmental Presence

Dec 31, 2015

Saying For Today: This is like opening the door to someone, even if they come in with his or her door closed to you. Presence loving includes without any reciprocity of being included, for Christ is inclusive and cannot be otherwise, or Christ would not be Christ. This means, also, you are essentially inclusive, and you are joyful only in being inclusive - otherwise, you suffer from the denial of Love inherent in non-inclusion.


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs

FDT #13

Effortless Presence means Presence. Presence is not a person or personality and, likewise, to say Presence is effortless is redundant. Presence is and doing is one with this is, or being: so, be-ing. This is a subtle teaching within the Trinity, as almost always missed in the churches. Father is inaccessible Absolute, or Source, or Creator; Son, or Christ, is subtle Presence, so Incarnation, so Eucharistic Body, within and, ultimately, as all things, including you and me, and Spirit is the Inspiration, or Activation, uniting Source and Presence, or Being, or Christ. So, Source and Presence and Inspiration are One: not a union of Three, but a One. So, Grace graces, or is gracing. Yet, and here is the conundrum to the mind, this Doing is effortless in Itself, the Doing is so at one (at-one-ment) with Source and Inspiration that Presence needs no effort to spontaneously Do before action takes place or does not take place. That is, in Christ, is oneness between what we call "not-doing" and "doing," for emptiness and fullness are non-divided in Christ. So, again a conundrum to general perception: where Presence is, always Doing is, for Presence is Doing. Indeed, ironically, expression of Doing can be enhanced even as Presence appears passive, in-active. The in-active is still Doing. That is, Presence, or Christ, cannot not be Be-ing. The egoic mind-personality thinks just the opposite, as to action and inaction, effort and effortlessnss: an example, "'I' can show Love more in doing something for her." Presence, however, knows Love and shares Love by Itself be-ing Itself as Be-ing prior to any act or effort, and often Presence will do nothing, knowing Itself as Doing, or Be-ing, is what It desires, in that time, so to love in a passive sense - still, again, in Christ passive and active are not opposites, which is to say, Doing is neither one nor both together. Yet, likewise, Presence does not deny action, as Presence, in oneness with Spirit, can move Itself forward, so to speak, and involve Itself directly in action to love, or any number of other actions - so, Presence is non-preferential as to action or inaction, as long as loving takes place, and Doing is neither acting nor not-acting, for Doing is the Life and subtle Be-ing before, within, and following action and inaction. This means to love anyone or anything requires neither doing something nor not-doing something, for Doing is present to love before Presence acts to love. This is like saying, "Christ was present before the Incarnation, so is now." I will share a real-life case.

I worked with a dear lady whom I could not provide direct spiritual guidance to. I almost gave up on working with her. I experienced a seeming contradiction: "I am here to help this person spiritually, but I cannot, so how can I justify even being here and claiming I am." I was advised varied things: including, a person over me in administration advised me to discontinue seeing this person, if she refused direct spiritual assistance. Another person, a friend and Chaplain, advised me to go in and set goals for helping her spiritually. If she did not want it, I would best simply stop seeing her. I am thankful I did not follow the advice of either of the above. This person, yes, continued to block all my trained means of getting through an opening, so to speak, to assist her spiritually. Yet, I relaxed and gave up. There was recognition that I was not intended to assist her spiritually in any way directly, unless and when she invited such. So, I would go and sit weekly with her, for about an hour, and allow her to set the agenda. She was training me in recognizing what I already knew: I did not have to do anything, for Doing to be doing a lot within the subtle fabric of the communion taking place in those weekly meetings. I came, through her, to see more clearly what I had been taught - not-doing is often the most loving expression of that Love can give of Itself and the giving of Itself is fundamentally what Presence sees loving to be, not an act of giving something. Likewise, seeing more clearly of this truth, took place, thankfully - in Presence not giving something, but withholding giving something, Presence gives Itself already and always and one with the giving is the invitation to come into Presence and share in that Oneness. Presence is what persons most long for, partly for Presence is unconditional, free Love, which is Presence, and all the gorging in things - including in religious and spiritual experiences - does not satisfy the longing, but increases it. This is a reason the general teaching among many of an everlasting engagement in spiritual experience as Heaven is not desirable to one who sees Truth, or knows itself seen as and by Truth. The last thing one such wants is a timeless elongation of even the most delectable of spiritual experience.

So, this Presence, or incarnated and incarnating Christ, is a Doing of Love, not an emotional or sensory experience. This is That Love we long for beyond feelings, effortlessly knowing the Doing of Love through simply being-with and effortless-including in a nonjudgmental Wisdom. This is like opening the door to someone, even if they come in with his or her door closed to you. Presence loving includes without any reciprocity of being included, for Christ is inclusive and cannot be otherwise, or Christ would not be Christ. This means, also, you are essentially inclusive, and you are joyful only in being inclusive - otherwise, you suffer from the denial of Love inherent in non-inclusion. That is, Presence cannot close Itself to anyone, and any non-inclusion is still taken into Grace by Grace. If Grace's inclusion were dependent on being included, then, Grace would not be Grace.



Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Effortless Presence

©Brian Wilcox 2024